TOUHFAT AL AROUSS allows its members to propose new themes or subjects to enrich and establish a new marriage culture based on tolerance, love, respect for others and commitment, in order to build a happy and dignified family in good faith.
We offer the following themes to create a sharing of know-how and know-how between members as follows:
1. The concept of marriage: dominance or balance.
2. Multidisciplinary marriage.
3. The wedding ceremony.
4. The happy family.
5. The secrets of inter-family communication.
6. The decor, the cuisine, the trip.
7. Marriage and social networks.
8. The notion of sex in the couple.
9. Marriage proceedings.
10. Habits, customs of marriage.
11. How to avoid the causes of divorce.
12. Divorced, widowed or widower, how to rebuild your life on a good basis.

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